September 11, 1986 - May 8, 1988
NBC Family Drama - 46 Filmed Episodes
Gus Witherspoon: | Wilford Brimley |
Jesse Witherspoon: | Deidre Hall |
Kris Witherspoon: | Shannen Doherty |
David Witherspoon: | Chad Allen |
Molly Witherspoon: | Keri Houlihan |
Joe Kaplan: | Gerald S. O'Loughlin |
Bertha: | Nicole Dubuc |
Crimshaw: | Owen Bush |
Cliff: | Bob Hoy |
Mark: | Thomas Wilson Brown |
J.R. Dutton: | David Mendenhall |
John Witherspoon: | Patrick Duffy |
The Associated Press called this homey series "a family
show suitable for framing." It was certainly warm and old-
fashioned, a gentle story about getting along and growing
up. Gus Witherspoon was a cantankerous 65-year-old grandpa
with a walrus mustache who treasured his privacy living
alone in his handsome, tree-shaded Victorian house. However,
when his married son died, Gus was faced with the prospect
of taking in his distraught widow Jesse--who had no funds--and
her three rambunctious children. That was the end of serenity
in Gus' house. It was now, as he told Jesse, "our house."
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Our House
Wilford Brimley
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Our House
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