Premiered November 24, 1988
Comedy Central & Sci-Fi Channel Comedy
Joel Robinson: | Joel Hodgson |
Mike Nelson: | Michael J. Nelson |
Tom Servo: | Kevin Murphy |
Crow T. Robot: | Trace Beaulieu |
| Bill Corbett |
Dr. Clayton Forrester: | Trace Beaulieu |
Dr. Larry Erhardt: | J. Elvis Weinstein |
TV's Frank: | Frank Conniff |
Pearl Forrester: | Mary Jo Pehl |
Gypsy: | Jim Mallon |
| Patrick Brantseg |
One of cable's favorite cult series, Mystery Science Theater
3000 was essentially an old and awful B-movie "hosted" by a
humanand two robots who appeared in silhouette in the lower
right-hand corner of the screen, offering sarcastic commentary
as the flick unspooled. Seems the trio had been marooned in
outer space, on the "Satellite of Love," by mad scientist Dr.
Clayton Forrester. There, they were consigned to watch bad
movies forever as part of a diabolical experiment to measure
the effects of awful feature films on the human race of species.
The original host, a tormented lab technician abducted from
the Gizmonics Institute, was portrayed by the show's
creator, Joel Hodgson, in a red jump suit. After Joel left the
show in 1993, he was replaced by head writer Mike Nelson.
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Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
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Mystery Science Theater 3000
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