Premiered July 28, 1997
Comedy Central Original Game Show
Ben Stein
Jimmy Kimmel
Nancy Pementhal
Sal Iacono
In this unusual game show, former Nixon speech writer, author, and
actor Ben Stein bet his own paycheck that he could outsmart
contestants in a series of difficult questions. The show began with a
$5,000 "pot." If Stein could beat the contestants, he could keep it all;
the more they won, the less he got. What did he think of the concept?
"It wasn't my idea and I don't like it," he deadpanned. However,
fortunately for him, Stein was pretty brainy guy, and he usually
managed to hang on to a portion, if not all, of the money. Adding
to the levity was his rather dry, superior manner, and the contemptuous
asides of his sidekick, Los Angeles TV personality Jimmy Kimmel.
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Win Ben Stein's Money
Win Ben Stein's Money
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